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Bachelor's Degree

Military Medic to RN
Bridge 程序 通路



20-28 Mo.

程序 Length






校园 位置

Bachelor's Degree

Military Medic to RN
Bridge 程序 通路


Degree pathways选择 an Associate of Science in 护理 (ASN) or 护理学理学士 Bridge option
位置Available at multiple Herzing campus locations; ASN only available in 纳什维尔, 奥兰多, 坦帕, 和在线
AccreditationCCNE认证BSN幸运28计划选项;1 获高等教育委员会认可
格式在线 general education classes + core on-campus courses - you may also choose to take an online bridge option with 100% online didactic classwork
学费Veterans 和 Active Duty U.S. 服务人员可能有资格获得10%的学费折扣, 或者学费降到每学分250美元
快速通道Transfer credit, stackable credentials, 和 adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education with Herzing University
Military Medic to RN


Satisfaction rate

Our overall student satisfaction rate, according to the 2023 Herzing Graduate Survey.


Satisfaction rate

Our overall student satisfaction rate, according to the 2023 Herzing Graduate Survey.



The Military Medic to RN educational pathway includes associate 和 bachelor's degree in nursing program options which prepare you for a career as a registered nurse.

Each program provides students with fundamental knowledge 和 skills in the nursing process, health assessment, managing care, evidence-based practice, 和 much more.

Career-focused curriculum

Discover the crucial knowledge 和 skills required to succeed in 你的 work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.

Flexible schedule

软件下载努力帮助你保持学校和生活的平衡, striving to be as flexible as possible for busy non-traditional students.

Experienced faculty

Get face-to-face instruction from experienced 和 credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.

Lifelong support

We support 你的 ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, 个性化的学生服务,终身职业指导.

Rolling admissions

不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.

Classes Start September 4th

Learn More Today


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选择 你的 career pathway with Herzing

Associate degree
Military Medic to ADN/ASN
  • 程序 length: 20 months
  • 学分: 72-73 credits to graduate

校园 availability

Bachelor's degree
Military Medic to BSN
  • 程序 length: 28个月
  • 学分: 120 credits to graduate

校园 availability

Best 在线 幸运28计划 US 新闻 Veterans Bachelor's 和 Grad 护理

排名 U.S. 新闻 & World Report as one of the best online bachelor's 和 grad nursing programs for veterans in 2024

Why Herzing?


The first Herzing campus was founded in 1965 by Henry Herzing, a proud veteran of the U.S. 海军. The strength, 勤奋, 和 determination he brought from the service into higher education set the st和ard we work to uphold every day.

We are committed to serving you with the same integrity with which you served 你的 country. Our goal is to provide you with the education 和 support services you need to help you find the career success you deserve.

学费 & 成本

成本 & Financial Aid

We are always working to improve our curriculum 和 processes to make going to college as affordable as possible. 该计划的总成本因许多因素而异, 包括你就读的学校, degree path you choose, 之前的大学学分你可以转过去, 和 eligible financial aid.

U.S. Veterans 和 Active Duty U.S. Servicemembers may be eligible for a 10% tuition discount or a tuition discount to $250 per credit.

You may also qualify for a wide variety of Chapter 和 Federal benefits including Post-911, Montgomery GI Bill, Federal 学费 Assistance, 和更多的.



Enrollment requirements

Our ASN 和 BSN Bridge programs offer the opportunity for many types of military medics to earn an undergraduate nursing degree, 包括:

  • 空军医疗技术人员
  • Army Combat Medic (68W)
  • 陆军实用护理专家(MOS 68C)
  • 医院医护兵(E-1 HR, E-2 HA, E-3 HN及以上)
  • 海军 Hospital Corpsman (HM)

除了, 被考虑录取, 你必须持有高中文凭或同等学历, HSED or GED) 和 meet the following criteria based on 你的 cumulative GPA:

Cumulative GPAiScience Requirementii
3.00–3.493.00 GPA in college science3没有一个
2.50 和 higher没有一个Composite 茶 of 58

i. 学生 with 18 or more transferable collegiate credits will be assessed on their collegiate cumulative GPA. 否则,将使用高中GPA.

ii. The Test of Essential Academic Skills (茶) from the Assessment 技术 Institute (ATI).

3. Based on 你的 cumulative GPA in these college science courses: Anatomy & 生理学I和II,生物学,化学和微生物学. 其中两门课程必须用于计算理科GPA. Any of these courses completed must be included in the calculation, 和 no others. If you do not meet this requirement, you must score a composite score of 58 or higher on the 茶. A grade of "B" or better must be earned for transfer credit to be awarded for Anatomy & Physiology, regardless of whether it was included in the calculation.

Classes Start September 4th

Waived Enrollment Fee


披露的信息 & accreditation

1. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Herzing University 布鲁克菲尔德, 出赛, 麦迪逊, Minneapolis 和 奥兰多 are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education ( This accreditation includes the baccalaureate degree program offered at the satellite Herzing University 坦帕 location. Herzing University is approved to offer programs in an online learning modality through association with the main campus in 麦迪逊, 威斯康辛州.

Herzing University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (是美国认可的机构认证机构.S. Department of Education.


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